Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Double Edge Sword

Being that I am really involved with the sports world, it simply angered me beyond imagination to see Atlanta Falcon’s quarterback, Michael Vick, receive 2 years in Federal Prison for dog fighting. By no means will I, or any sane person attempt to justify his actions, but at what time do we as people go too far by attempting to make “an example” out of others. Whether or not his sentencing was justified varies from the individual, but one thing should be shared by all individuals, the ability to forgive and the ability to understand that 2 wrongs do not make a right. What Michael Vick did was immoral and unethical, but to have children in the public protesting/boycotting with shirts stating “I hate Michael Vick and kill Michael Vick” is immoral and unethical also. How could parents and members of PETA allow themselves to teach their children something as cruel as hate and revenge? How could parents justify one wrong doing by adding their wrong to the equation? It seems easy to spot the wrong doing of others, yet become invisible of our own when we look into the mirror.

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